Dan DiGangi - Software Engineering Manager, Tech Instructor/Mentor
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ChopDawg Studios Entrepreneurship Podcast Host & Building Relationships


Once upon a time I had the pleasure of co-hosting an entrepreneurship podcast called the ChopDawg Pawdcast with my close friend Joshua Davidson. Catching up with him recently sparked a core memory so here we are nearly 7 years later writing about it.

It was a great experience and my first big step in creating content. While I've had a difficult time sticking with content creation and attempting to not be overly self-conscious on video, it was amazing experience of learning and growth. This was during a HUGE spike of new entrepreneurs at the time. Our goal was to share and promote fellow entrepreneur's experience and expertise. Starting a business is extremely difficult but you're not alone and it's why the podcast was created.

Now on Josh's side of things he owns and (still) runs an extremely successful app development company aptly named ChopDawg Studios. As an entrepreneur himself he wrangled a wide range of podcast guests that mirror exactly the clients he caters too. I'm proud to call him a friend and the success he has achieved. He is the definition of a successful entrepreneur.

My story is... well, not the same. Once upon a time there was a startup company I co-founded called Get20. While we did go down in glorious flames like many startups before us the experience was life altering. My passion and optimism as an entrepreneur was at an all time high. The podcast just made sense to me after Josh invited me to join as a host. It was a channel to connect more deeply with the entrepreneurship world. We and our audience soaked up every bit of learning our guests would share.

Like anything the podcast eventually ran its course. You can listen to some episodes here.


YouTube Channel


ChopDawg Studios


Looking for a top tier app development company? You definitely should reach out to Josh and ChopDawg. Happy to make an introduction. Contact me here..

ChopDawg Studios App Development

- DD